Truths and Theories about the ‘Purple Gem’

This is written in Filipino (first half) and in English (second half).


It has no specific name. It is unknown what it can do. The only thing we know is that in Episode 117, Bathalang Emre opened his palm and over it floated a new gem. He offered it to the Luntaie, Sang’gre Lira, whose existence by that time was erased and altered from the memories of everyone in Encantadia by Bathalumang Ether. The Luntaie refused the offer as she did with a chest filled with gold. She only wished for one thing: to be remembered by her family.

As Emre proved that Lira is of pure heart and intentions, he closed his palm. And the gem — purple in color, cubic in shape, hovering over white mist and a magic circle — vanished from our sight. It was the first and last time we saw the purple gem.

Winter Is Coming


• The purple gem is Emre’s Gem.

This is so conclusive, it can’t be a theory. For the lack of specific name for it, some fans started calling it Emre’s Gem. It came from Emre, therefore it is Emre’s Gem. Following the same logic, all gems are Emre’s.

• The purple gem is Cassiopea’s Gem.

I have come upon an Encantadia group on Facebook and found interesting yet still naive posts and photos. This is one of those. Younger fans mistakingly call it Cassiopea’s Gem, likely because of its purple color which the sinaunang Diwata is known for (dress, armor, energy bolts).

• With its purple color, the purple gem contains immense power.

Yes, of course. But its powers are unknown. There are a handful of characters who are associated with the color and they are extremely powerful and ancient beings. Aside from Cassiopea, we have Bathalumang Ether, whose divine form is purple, and then we have LilaSari, whose beautiful face gives off purple light whenever her curse is activated. Lila is, in fact, Filipino for purple or violet.

The purple gem is as powerful as each elemental gem kept by the Sang’gres.

This is simply true based on what Emre has said to Lira: “power similar to that of the gems of the Sang’gres.”

The purple gem is as powerful as the Inang Brilyante or Mother Gem (Enchanta: Ada Brillium).

The size of the purple gem is comparable to that of an elemental gem, i.e. the purple gem is lesser in size than the Mother Gem.

Having agreed with the preceding theory, this one is hardly possible. If the purple gem is equal to one elemental gem, it cannot be as powerful as the Mother Gem, because in the Encantadia universe a single elemental gem (or a smaller gem fraction) cannot be as powerful as its ‘mother’ or origin.

The purple gem is the “Amang Brilyante” or “Father Gem.

Does the existence of an Inang Brilyante implies the existence of an Amang Brilyante? Aba, bakit hindi? Seriously, though, how many gems could Emre be having? Serious answer: as many as the plot needs.

The purple gem is a part of the Mother Gem.

It is laughable to think that when Cassiopea shattered the Inang Brilyante, a purple gem flew straight to Devas, back to Emre’s hands. This theory cannot be true. We have fully witnessed that there were only four smaller gems that materialized where the Mother Gem had been: Gems of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. A fifth one, the Soul Gem, was later on revealed and confirmed by Cassiopea’s seer eye to be the last and only remaining piece of the Mother Gem.

I would rather support the existence of an Amang Brilyante than this one.

The purple gem is the Time Gem or Brilyante ng Oras.

There’s never been a gem called as such in the two incarnations of ‘Encantadia.’ But there is another powerful artifact that can manipulate time — the Ginintuang Orasan of Ether’s beloved empire, Etheria. It is doubtful for Emre to create or to have a gem with powers similar to that of his archnemesis. But I could be wrong.

The purple gem is the Weather Gem or Brilyante ng Panahon.

With the purple gem, an Encantadik was probably wishing a nod to Lira and her abilities in the original series.

The purple gem is also called to be some other elemental gem such as Light Gem, Lightning Gem, Metal Gem, and even Power Gem and Dark Gem.

These are random guesses which came from among those imaginative Encantadiks invested in the story of Encantadia.

The possibilities for the purple gem is endless. But one good question is: Will we ever see it again?

I guess that’s all for now. But before we end, did you know that a fanfiction by a fellow Encantadik inspired the one-episode appearance of the purple gem? It’s true. Read the story about the Dark Gem.

Perhaps you, too, have Encantadia theories that you want to share to our fandom. You may comment them down below or send them to our Facebook page.

2 thoughts on “Truths and Theories about the ‘Purple Gem’”

  1. I imagined that the Purple Gem as a sort of power up. On its own, it has basic gem abilities like power blasts and ivictus, but I imagined its real powers are when it is used with the other gems. What if when you use the Purple Gem with the other gems, the Gem Symbols revert back to its original Devas symbol? The gem has more power. Fire becomes emotions, Air becomes Time and Space, Water becomes Mind, Earth becomes Physicality, and Spirit becomes Void. 😯😯


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